For adults with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis (UC) in whom TNF blockers did not work well

For adults with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis (UC) in whom TNF blockers did not work well



The UC Podcast

Real patients.
Real challenges.

Join podcast co-hosts Katie and Doug for a refreshingly unconventional conversation with another UC patient about the treatment challenges many of us face. In this first episode, Ethan talks about his long-term goal for wanting to achieve lasting remission and shares his treatment journey. Check back for more episodes coming soon.


Talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks of treatment with RINVOQ. RINVOQ may cause serious side effects. Learn more about the Most Important Risk Information associated with RINVOQ.

Ethan: How do I know if I’m actually getting better?

Now that Ethan has symptom relief* with RINVOQ, he is focused on the future. He talks about making visible colon lining repair a long-term treatment goal to help him get and stay in remission without steroids, even at 1 year. 


*Based on the frequency of bowel movements and the amount of bloody stools.

RINVOQ patient.

Meet the hosts


RINVOQ UC patient, AbbVie employee, mom, strong believer in having a good relationship with your gastroenterologist. 


RINVOQ UC patient, cabinet maker, water skier, family man, knows the power of sharing our stories. 

Share your RINVOQ story

Share your experience with RINVOQ to help inform and inspire others. To participate, please email us at or call 855-465-8585.

Hear from RINVOQ patients

See how real people put their UC in check with RINVOQ and achieved the results they were looking for. 

Take charge: More topics for you

Make RINVOQ part of your daily routine

It's one pill, once a day.

See the science behind RINVOQ

Learn how RINVOQ fights the inflammation that can lead to UC symptoms.