Important facts about UC

UC belongs to a larger group of illnesses called inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). UC is a chronic—ongoing, long-term—condition where inflammation in the large intestine (colon and rectum) can lead to symptoms over time. When you are living with ulcerative colitis, your overactive immune system causes inflammation that leads to more than just symptoms, it damages the colon lining. 

keep in mind

Whether or not you are experiencing UC symptoms, there may still be inflammation in the colon which can lead to colon lining damage. That's why it's important to team up with a gastroenterologist early on to find a treatment that may be right for you.

How UC occurs

Your immune system mistakenly harms healthy cells in the inner lining of the large intestine, or colon

The overactivity of the immune system causes excess inflammation in your colon

Too much inflammation can lead to colon damage and UC symptoms

The exact cause of UC is unknown, but it can be influenced by many different factors, including a person's immune system, genetics, or other environmental factors.

This inner layer is called the epithelial tissue, which is found throughout the body. It protects your body’s organs, as well as performs secretory, transport, and absorption functions

An organ in the digestive system that absorbs water and other elements from partially digested food to form stools that are passed out of the body. The colon is also known as the large intestine

Some common UC symptoms:

Sudden accidents

Abdominal pain

Frequent bathroom trips

Bloody stools


Your gastroenterologist may also use the term "urgency" to describe not being able to wait to use a bathroom

When UC is inadequately controlled

If your symptoms continue to come back, flare up, or won't go away completely, it could mean that your current UC treatment isn’t working. Inadequately controlled UC also means that inflammation remains in the colon causing damage, even if your symptoms are not at their worst.

Over the long term, uncontrolled inflammation of the colon lining can increase the chance of developing serious health risks—including the increased risk of colon cancer.

Ask your gastroenterologist about regular endoscopy checks to help with management of ulcerative colitis and to detect problems early.

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Assess your UC symptoms

Answer a few questions about your symptoms to help you have more productive conversations with your gastroenterologist.

Watch clip: “I had gotten so used to my UC symptoms”


They put me on infusions, and it, it wasn’t, it wasn’t bad, but I didn't, like, really get that much symptom relief. But, like, I had gotten so used to having these symptoms, and it became so normal for me that every time my doctor would ask me like, oh, “How do you feel?” or like, "How's it going?" Every appointment I would be like, oh, I feel so much better.




I feel so much better. And so, I didn’t realize that it could actually get under control.


See how Ethan took charge of his UC.

Infusions didn’t give me much symptom relief.

—ETHAN, moderate to severe UC patient


UC shouldn't take charge of your

The severity of your symptoms may be a sign of uncontrolled inflammation in your colon.


If your UC symptoms are getting in the way of day-to-day activities, it may be time to talk to your gastroenterologist about different ulcerative colitis medications.


Choosing the right UC treatment for you depends in part on what you’re looking to achieve. Consider treatment options that go beyond symptom relief to help you pursue lasting, steroid-free remission and visible colon lining repair.

Understand the importance of setting proactive Goals for UC Treatment >

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