It’s important to spot signs of RA joint damage early

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a progressive disease, and without effective treatment can lead to reduced joint mobility and permanent joint damage. 

Ongoing symptoms could mean that joint damage is happening now, so it’s important to identify the signs early so you can work with your rheumatologist to develop a treatment plan that can slow or stop the progression.

Images are for demonstration purposes only and are not of a real patient. Joint damage and its progression are unique for each individual patient. Talk to your rheumatologist about your symptoms.

Joint damage can start within a year of having RA

At first, RA may not be noticeable beyond stiffness in a few joints, such as the hands, feet, and knees. As RA symptoms and joint damage worsen, range of motion in your joints can be severely reduced, affecting your ability to engage in everyday activities.

If you’re still experiencing symptoms, prepare to speak with your rheumatologist today >

See what RINVOQ can do

RINVOQ is for adults with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis in whom TNF blockers did not work well. It can tame joint pain, swelling, and stiffness, stop further irreversible joint damage, and significantly reduce RA fatigue.