Making a change

Music track and RINVOQ logo throughout.

TIM: I think those of us with psoriatic arthritis are scared.

We really don't know if it's getting worse. Is it going to get better?

I think it's really important to not only ask your doctor these questions, but ask yourself these questions.

I think the general thing with TNF blockers when I was using them were that the pain didn’t really decrease.

I started RINVOQ with an open mind. The first thing I noticed was less joint pain when I’d lay there at night. I was feeling better in the mornings; I was feeling better throughout the day.

I just kind of woke up one morning, and I was doing something, and I went, “Wait a minute – my hands, the cracking was less, the dryness started to go away.”

Fatigue was a really big part of my life. Every activity I did, I had to adjust, and I would get tired very fast.

Since starting RINVOQ, I didn't get nearly as tired, and that’s been a very welcome change.

I kind of looked forward to not having an injection when I went to RINVOQ and taking a once-daily pill just became part of the morning routine.

It's very important to talk to the doctors to say, “I'm not feeling as good as I'd like to,” and ask them, “would there be any other options that might help me feel better?”



RINVOQ may cause serious side effects, including:

  • Serious infections. RINVOQ can lower ability to fight infections. Serious infections, some fatal, occurred, including tuberculosis (TB) and infections caused by bacteria, fungi, or viruses.
  • Increased risk of death in people age 50+ with at least 1 heart disease risk factor.
  • Cancer and immune system problems. Increased risk of some cancers, including lymphoma and skin. Current or past smokers have higher risk for lymphoma and lung cancer.
  • Increased risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death in people 50+ with at least 1 heart disease risk factor, especially in current or past smokers.
  • Blood clots, some fatal, in veins of the legs or lungs and arteries. This occurred more often in people 50+ with at least 1 heart disease risk factor.
  • Serious allergic reactions. Do not take if allergic to RINVOQ or its ingredients.
  • Tears in the stomach or intestines; changes in certain laboratory test results.

Please see additional Important Safety Information on this webpage